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Toxoplasma Test - IgG


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₹ 299.00



Toxoplasma IgG is a blood test to detect antibodies to the Toxoplasma Gondii parasite. Toxoplasmosis is a disease that is caused by a parasite called Toxoplasma Gondii. The parasite can only be seen by a microscope. Mostly in healthy adults, the infection proves to be harmless. However, if a pregnant woman is diagnosed with the infection, then it may be transmitted to her unborn child. The infection may result in miscarriages, stillbirths or can lead to severe problems in the newborn such as mental retardation, blindness and an enlarged liver or spleen. Some babies may look normal at birth but may develop complications with age, such as chronic eye and ear infection, learning disabilities, etc. The infection is highly dangerous for the person with a weakened immune system and may damage the nervous system, cause headaches, seizures, confusion, fever, encephalitis, loss of coordination, blurred vision, etc. To detect the disease, the Toxoplasma IgG test is ordered by the doctors. It's a blood test that checks the presence of antibodies to the Toxoplasma Gondii parasite in your body. Some causes of the infection are eating unwashed or adulterated food or eating raw meat, coming in contact with contaminated soil, drinking contaminated water or unpasteurized milk and cleaning cat litter. In India, people, especially women residing in mud houses, are more exposed to the risk of contracting the disease. The disease is common in South India as most of the people in this region were found with toxoplasmosis antibodies in their bodies. Women living in the west part are at the lowest risk. Overall, an estimated 56,737–176,882 children per year are born with a high risk of congenital Toxoplasmosis in India.


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